A small gang of street thieves were talking about the new traveler staying there for a couple of weeks... they knew she was a fighter named Setsuka, and stealing something from her would be quite a challenge since her reaction skills were nothing to mess with...
The thieves decided to take turns on stealing something from her, the one with the most valuable item would be the winner and have the respect of all the members of the gang.
One by one tried and failed stealing something... but there was hope... one still had to go and so he choose to steal at least one of her shoe (as for him proved to be an easy task) while she was purchasing something to eat. So as when she was distracted, the thief crouched under her and quietly got her shoe... as he headed for clear, Setsuka felt him and tripped him... fallen flat on the ground, Setsuka placed her foot on his head and demanded her shoe back... you could only feel sorry for the thief who was really wanting to win respect from his partners.
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