page from the diary of the cute girl seen here:
"Weird to some, but not for female feet lovers. I guess I was not into that world until I met Mark. the boy seen here... I became friends with him not knowing his big foot fetish secret. at first, occasionally we would go out to the local mini market and he always treated me to anything sweet in there. I guess his parents had much money although from the looks of the way he dressed, did not seem like a little rich boy. you can never know a book by its cover, I guess its the saying...
well, anyway... was just a few weeks ago, I was passing by his house and I mentioned that I thought I had a little rock inside my shoe. was bothering me and I wanted to get it out. As soon as he saw me taking my shoe off, he told me if I would let him do that for me. I was so shocked, maybe he expected me to deny him. At first I did not know what to say... but then, I thought; what harm would there be? Its just a small task. so then I said: "yes, by all means"
He then said I should lay down on the grassy floor, and then started taking my shoes off, among other things too (reason why I am nearly naked here!). "The rock is just on my left shoe, not on both" I said. he took the small rock off my shoe, then he took my socks off too. then he said that it had been a long time since he wanted to see the soles of my feet. "why" I said. "do you have a feet thing". he then replied and said he did. and could not believe how pretty were mine. He then asked permission to massage them. "Yea, why not" I replied. He started massaging me with his hands and felt so good I was almost falling asleep. but then I felt his saliva tongue running up and down my soles, and that woke me up. He was definitely getting sexually exited, I could tell, my legs felt his hard on...
"um... that feels good, but I have to go soon" I said. he then said ok, and put my socks and shoes on... Good thing for him I always bathe and always keep my feet super clean, so no dirty stuff on my soles, and I am not ticklish like some other girls.
Now every once in a while, when I meet with him, sometimes I get some of my feet loving from the boy who likes licking my soles..."
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